Industry Clients are organizations that are owners of industrial complexes, facilities, buildings, sites, plants or factories. Several of our industry clients hire contractors and suppliers to support their operations. In addition to helping our industry clients to streamline their processes and develop new strategies for improving their program performance and efficiency, at EHS GRADES, we connect all of our members that are project owners with the best qualified contractors, suppliers, vendors, operators and subcontractors.
“EHS GRADES client base has grown steadily since our establishment. Our cutting-edge and groundbreaking solutions, and continuous improvement programs have enormously benefited the industry. Overall, we have established a major market presence, developed a strong reputation and built long-lasting relationships with several business organizations within a very short time.” — Kip Henry, Executive Vice-President for Corporate Affairs (EHS GRADES).
We offer our member clients operating and performance solutions that if implemented proactively will lead to positive results at every level of their workforce such as sustainable growth, greater employee satisfaction, an increased bottom line and an excellent reputation.
Receive expert guidance and advice on how to increase performance efficiency of program areas needing improvement. Grow your business and enhance your workforce EHS culture, boost productivity, and the effectiveness at all levels.
Our skilled experts understand the ever-changing industry climates of our clients. We conduct a full diagnosis of your organization's EHS program to identify those specific underlying indicators that are holding back your performance.
Re-energize your EHS program to keep your employees, contractors, and suppliers safe and satisfied by using our diagnostic techniques to identify and correct oversight issues, develop and implement new policies and procedures.
Our client-specific programs help our members to overcome their business challenges. We deliver real and long-term results to enable you to quickly meet your organization’s goals by focusing on programs that can contribute to advancement.